12 ways to Create Brand Loyalty

Feb 01, 2020

12 ways to Create Brand Loyalty!

With the vast amount of competition and white noise out there on average, it will cost your business five times more to find a new customer than it will to serve an existing one. An existing customer will also spend far more than a new one per transaction which is a really good reason to focus on creating brand loyalty.

So how do you keep your customers loyal?  Yes, your product needs to solve a problem and yes you need to be visible in as many channels as possible but once your customer has decided to buy here are 12 ways you can help them make that crucial decision to buy again. 

Customer service has a big role to play. Make sure your delivery process is memorable by packaging your products in a beautiful or original way.  If at all possible include a handwritten note and always ask for feedback and include an upsell to another product in your range.

Create Engagement – Your aim is to make your new customer feel like one of the family.  The best way to do that is to send a follow-up email asking how they enjoyed your product. Invite them to engage with you on Social Media and make them feel special. This applies to both individual online buyers and store buyers.

Incentives -  Once you have your customer onboard offer them incentives for recommending you to their friends.  If they are regular customers send them a free sample to try whenever you launch a new product, and ask for their opinion, or include a sample sized pot with their first order and invite them to share it with their best friend.

VIP club:  Create a VIP club and offer special concessions or discount vouchers to the members.

No Quibbles:  Have a no quibble policy on returns and refunds.  Deal with these quickly and without hassle.

Shipping deals:   Offer the customer a one-off shipping purchase that will ensure they get free shipping for a year on all the products they buy from you.

Partnerships - Network with entrepreneurs selling products your customers might also be interested in (Beauty geeks also love candles, makeup bags, towelling goods and interesting teas ) negotiate offering discount vouchers or giving free gifts which go both ways.

Make it Social:  Social media is just that but too many brands forget the social aspect.  Beware of constantly trying to sell to your followers, share personal stories and invite them to share theirs.

Create an Incentive Scheme – ‘Offer customers a free product once they have made six purchases from you or spent x amount of money.  When they place an order put a star on a virtual loyalty card and send them an image to show them how close they are getting.

Gratitude - Send them a random email telling them how much you appreciate their custom. Include a photo of your team.  Tell them they have made your day.

Competitions - Set up some whacky competitions.  If you are selling far and wide invite your customers to take photos of your brand sitting on the shelf of a store or invite them to post photos of themselves, using your products, on Instagram, Pinterest or Facebook.  Celebrate the results. Make the customer feel special.



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