Are You Scared of Being Visible

Aug 28, 2019

Do you think that if you put yourself out there everyone will laugh at you ? Or maybe you think your appearance isn’t smart enough or you talk with the wrong accent ? Or you fear stumbling and forgetting what you were supposed to say and looking like a Wally ?

 The great, brilliant, fantabulous news is that if you are marketing to real people you no longer have to worry about those things because when you do a video the only thing people are really looking for and wanting to hear is your passion and your genuine belief around your subject and the products you are selling. Guess what, your prospective customers are just like you – they have the same fears and imperfections and when they see yours they know they can relax and listen.

 Slick, staged videos are out the window, suits went out with shoulder pads and if you have are a little overweight or have a crooked nose you can rest assured that all those other people out there with excess weight and crooked noses (and there are literally millions of them) will be extra specially pleased to hear from you….

(just so long as you don’t ramble on about nothing for hours).

 The amazing thing about starting your own business right now is that you can and should be absolutely yourself . Yes, you need to know what you are doing but business is no longer about jargon, flow charts and statistics, its about making real human connections and as in your social life some people will like you and some won’t. The wonderful fact is that with 3.6 billion people out there on line the only ones you need to be interested in are the ones who like you as they are the ones who will become your loyal customers. How good is that !!!

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